Les librairies Agenda Coups de coeur

Festliche Liedkantate, op. 37. men's choir (TTBB) a cappella or with piano or brass ( - Pk). Jeu de parties d'harmonie.



Concerto Eb major, horn and string orchestra; 2 flutes and 2 horns. Réduction conducteur.

Carl Philipp Stamitz


Rienzi, der Letzte der Tribunen, Große tragische Oper in 5 Akten - Vierter und Fünfter Akt. WWV 49. Partition.

Richard Wagner


A little Windmusic, in five Movements. 6 Brass Instruments.

Bertold Hummel


A little Windmusic, in five Movements. 6 brass instruments. Partition.

Bertold Hummel


A little Windmusic, in five Movements. 6 Brass Instruments.

Bertold Hummel


A little Windmusic, in five Movements. 6 Brass Instruments.

Bertold Hummel


A little Windmusic, in five Movements. 6 Brass Instruments.

Bertold Hummel


Drei Evangelien-Motetten, 3. Gleichnis von der königlichen Hochzeit "Saget den Gästen". mixed choir (SSATTB). Partition de chœur.

Ernst Pepping


Ballade op. 288, Für flöte und klavier

Werner Richter


Slava!, A Concert Overture. QMB 406. wind band (symphonic band). Partition.

Leonard Bernstein


Tango, op. 165/2. salon orchestra. Piano conducteur.

Isaac Albéniz


Kammersymphonien, Frühfassungen. chamber orchestra. Partition.

Arnold Schönberg


Musik, viola and piano.

Hermann Reutter


Sisyphos, Choreographic Suite. orchestra. Partition d'étude.

Karl-Birger Blomdahl


Shadowplay, Music theatre from Book VII of the Republic of Plato. op. 30. Partition d'étude.

Alexander Goehr


Lyric Pieces, op. 35. wind instruments and double bass. Partition d'étude.

Alexander Goehr


Herr, bleibe bei uns, Geistliche Abendmusik. mixed choir (SATB) with alto or bass solo, organ or harpsichord and strings. Partition.

Wolfgang Fortner


In dulci jubilo, Weihnachtskantate. op. 51. mixed choir (SSAATTBB) with soloists (SBar), children's choir and orchestra.

Hans Lang


Drei Chöre, op. 6. mixed choir (SATB) and piano. Partie de chœur.

Max Reger


In dulci jubilo, Weihnachtskantate. op. 51. mixed choir (SSAATTBB) with soloists (SBar), children's choir and orchestra.

Hans Lang


Singt und spielt zur Weihnacht, Alte und neue Weihnachtslieder mit Instrumentalbegleitung. children's choir (SSA) with flutes, Geigen, cello and mallet percussionn ad libitum. Partition vocale/chorale et instrumentale.



Gesangsszene, zu Worten aus "Sodom und Gomorrha". baritone and orchestra. baryton. Partition d'étude.

Karl Amadeus Hartmann


Tre Notturni, 3 Gedichte. low male voice, piano and 5 wind instruments. grave. Partition.

Hermann Reutter


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